L'uomo moderno crede di perdere "il tempo" quando non fa le cose in fretta; eppure non sa che cosa fare del tempo che guadagna, tranne che ammazzarlo.
Erich Fromm

ARCADIA, Von Buren Contemporary, Roma 2024

Arcadia Vittorio Iavazzo exhibition Roma 16 Maggio 2024 Von Buren Contemporary Via Giulia 13

Von Buren Contemporary is proud to present Arcadia, the solo exhibition of young Neapolitan sculptor Vittorio Iavazzo.The ancient Greek region of Arcadia registers in the collective imagination as a timeless place, the byword for an idyllic world where nature and pastoral landscapes reign and chaos is banished. Vittorio Iavazzo draws on the ancient and mythological iconography associated with this paradise and adapts it to contemporary times. The utopian image of Arcadia does not represent an escape route from reality for Iavazzo but rather an ideal place which can be made visible through art.The works on show, which include the paintings and drawings that serve as studies for Iavazzo’s sculptures, focus on mythological figures who follow an allegorical path, an inner journey that leads from loss to rebirth.